Britain is a great country, but it has lost its way
Britain isn’t working well for many of us right now. The cost of energy, housing, and food are too high, while decent jobs with real prospects are hard to come by.
It wasn’t always like this. British science and engineering shaped the modern world. We built the first railways, first coal-fired power station, and split the atom. Life got better in Britain because of it.
Britain Remade is a campaign that believes we can do it again: by building the modern infrastructure the country needs.
With a new Government there is a chance for change, but they’ll need to act fast.
Britain Remade will advocate on your behalf and put forward practical ideas to get Britain building again.
Let’s get back to what we’re good at.
Our Latest Campaign
Roads Britain Needs to Unlock Economic Growth
We’ve launched a series of new local campaigns to stop bans and blockages on key projects we need to get Britain back to what it’s good at. From the Third Menai Crossing in Wales to widening the A1 in Northumberland, a failure to build is holding our communities back. If you agree, find out how you join the campaigns and take action.
Find out more