“The number of pages needed for the UK’s largest infrastructure projects in the UK also doubled from 2014 to 2019”. Source: Renewable Energy Projects Database, Britain Remade analysis
“The UK is building the world’s largest offshore wind farm, capable of powering over 3 million homes, but it won’t be completed until 2027”. Source: Renewable Energy Planning Database
Chart: Average page count on the environmental reports of the UK’s ten largest infrastructure projects Source: National Infrastructure Planning Database, Britain Remade analysis
In theory, major infrastructure should be approved within 18 months but over half of these of decisions have been late in the last three years. Source: Renewable Energy Planning Database
“Britain split the atom, built the world's first commercial nuclear power station, and then built 9 more in under a decade. But it has been 27 years since we last finished one.” This statistic was taken from an analysis by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers
Approximately, two-thirds of people in big European cities can reach their city centre by public transport within 30 minutes, compared to less than half of the people in Britain’s big cities. Long commutes damage productivity and are estimated to cost the UK economy £23bn a year. This statistic was taken from an analysis by the Centre for Cities titled Measuring up: Comparing public transport in the UK and Europe’s biggest cities
On a per-mile basis, HS2 is the world’s most expensive railway under construction. It costs more than twice as much as similar projects elsewhere. Madrid was able to build an entire metro-system for £4bn. This statistic was taken from an article by Bent Flyvberg titled “How to build a subway at half the cost and twice the speed, something most would say is impossible. But Madrid did it. Here’s how”
It cost us £18bn to build Crossrail – more than ten times more on a per mile basis. This statistic comes from an article titled: Crossrail budget tops £18bn as deadline slips again
Bad planning is leading to massive cost overruns. For example, the Transpenine Railway Upgrade was budgeted to cost less than £300m in 2011, but the scope of the project kept changing and costs have ballooned to over £10bn. This statistic was taken from the National Audit Office Analysis titled The Transpenine Route Upgrade Programme