The Lower Thames Crossing is a proposed river crossing, linking Essex and Kent. At 2.4-miles long, it's set to be Britain’s longest road tunnel.

It’s an essential project for relieving pressure on the Dartford Crossing, one of the most congested roads in the country, and improving journeys between some of Britain’s busiest ports.

Unfortunately, delays and Britain’s dysfunctional planning system have caused costs for the project to balloon. Initially expected to cost £5.3 billion, it’s now estimated to cost up to £9 billion.

In fact, the Government has spent almost £300 million on the application alone. That’s more than Norway spent actually building the longest road tunnel in the world.

Part of the reason for this is the sheer length of the planning application, which runs to almost 360,000 pages. If laid end to end, the application would stretch 66 miles - 5 times longer than the road itself.

Later this year, the Transport Secretary is due to decide whether to go ahead with the project.

We believe that the Lower Thames Crossing is essential. If you agree, join our campaign and tell the Government that we can’t afford for them to dither and delay anymore.

Let’s get the Lower Thames Crossing built!

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