Britain Remade responds to the Conservative manifesto launch

Responding to the Conservative Party manifesto, Sam Richards, founder and campaign manager for Britain Remade, said:

“Since we launched 18 months ago, Britain Remade has campaigned for reforms to speed up building the clean infrastructure and homes Britain needs. As we outlined in our manifesto, ‘Back to What We’re Good At’, for too long red-tape and bureaucracy, coupled with frivolous legal challenges, has made it far too difficult to build anything in Britain.

“So we welcome a number of the policies the Conservative Party has put forward to get Britain building again.

"I’m glad the Prime Minister has committed to building 1.6m homes in the next parliament if he is re-elected through increasing density in London, fast tracking building in our biggest and most prosperous cities and regenerating sites like Old Oak Common - measures we have called for at Britain Remade. Building the beautiful, energy efficient homes the country needs will also help tackle climate change. 

“The commitment to build two new fleets of Small Modular Reactors within the first 100 days of a new government is a bold pledge, but will take an ironclad commitment and laser focus from ministers if it is to become a reality.

"It’s also good they have recommitted to trebling offshore wind by the end of the decade; but this will only happen if they also deliver on their commitment to reform environmental impact assessments. 

"Given Labour’s comments on planning reform over the last few months, I look forward to them matching their rhetoric with policy commitments when they launch their manifesto later this week”