Sam Richards responds to Government lifting onshore wind ban

Responding to the Prime Minister lifting the ban on new onshore wind farms in England, Sam Richards, founder and campaign director of Britain Remade, said: 


“I’m delighted that the Prime Minister has dropped the effective ban on new onshore wind farms being built in England. This is a big win for the thousands of Britain Remade supporters across the country that have been calling on the Government to drop the ban. 


“Today’s change tips the balance back in favour of local people who back onshore wind in their area, and should end the perverse situation we currently have whereby a single objection could block a development even if the majority are in favour. The changes will mean councils can use new ways of measuring levels of local support, something Britain Remade has being calling for – and our polling shows that in every part of England a clear majority would back new wind farms in their area. 


“This is a decision the Prime Minister should be proud of. Lifting the 2015 ban will make Britain more energy secure, cut our dependency on volatile international gas markets, reduce energy bills for millions, and create high skilled jobs across the country.”